Cheat Spore PC game

Cheat: Cheat List

Insert the cheats listed below on the left for the desired result. The cheat console is opened by holding Ctrl+Shift+C (simultaneously). Keep in mind that some cheats will only work during some phases (or in some menus) of the game.

    * capturePlanetGIF - Captures a 360 degree .gif file of your current planet
    * setConsequenceTrait (X) - Enter one of these for X: cell_carnivore, cell_herbivore, cell_omnivore, creature_aggressive, creature_social, creature_mixed, tribe_aggressive, tribe_social, tribe_mixed, civ_
    * evoadvantage - Begin a new game with one an evolved creature
    * help (X) - Replace X with a command to get an explanation.
    * styleFilter -oilPaint - Novelty oil paint effect
    * addDNA - Adds DNA (Use in creation menu)
    * moreMoney - Add money (in Civilization and Space levels)
    * unlockSuperWeapons - Unlock Superweapons
    * spaceCreate - Unlock creation tools in Space
    * help - View the list of cheats
    * Movie - See movies
    * freedom - Eliminate complexity limits
    * levels -unlock - Unlock all stages of life at the beginning of a new game
    * Quit - Quit the game
    * universeSimulatorPirateRaidPlunderFrequency # - Where # is a digit that represents the rate that pirates will go after spice
    * universeSimulatorPirateRaidAllyFrequency # - Where # is a digit that represents a rate that pirates will raid allies
    * universeSimulatorPirateRaidFrequency # - Where # is a digit that represents a rate that pirates will raid your systems
    * killallhints - Kills hints
    * refillMotives - Refills health
    * SetTime (hour, minute) - Mess with the time
    * freeCam - Toggles a free camera
    * blocksmode - Novelty blocky creatures
    * styleFilter -filmNoir - Remove all color
    * stylefilter -microscope - Novelty microscopic view
    * stylefilter -none - change view back to normal
    * stylefilter -norainbows - Alter colors
    * stylefilter -nextgen - Alter colors

Penulis : Riky Konfen ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Cheat Spore PC game ini dipublish oleh Riky Konfen pada hari Kamis, 29 Desember 2011. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Cheat Spore PC game

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