Insert the cheats listed below on the left for the desired result. The cheat console is opened by holding Ctrl+Shift+C (simultaneously). Keep in mind that some cheats will only work during some phases (or in some menus) of the game.
* capturePlanetGIF - Captures a 360 degree .gif file of your current planet
* setConsequenceTrait (X) - Enter one of these for X: cell_carnivore, cell_herbivore, cell_omnivore, creature_aggressive, creature_social, creature_mixed, tribe_aggressive, tribe_social, tribe_mixed, civ_
* evoadvantage - Begin a new game with one an evolved creature
* help (X) - Replace X with a command to get an explanation.
* styleFilter -oilPaint - Novelty oil paint effect
* addDNA - Adds DNA (Use in creation menu)
* moreMoney - Add money (in Civilization and Space levels)
* unlockSuperWeapons - Unlock Superweapons
* spaceCreate - Unlock creation tools in Space
* help - View the list of cheats
* Movie - See movies
* freedom - Eliminate complexity limits
* levels -unlock - Unlock all stages of life at the beginning of a new game
* Quit - Quit the game
* universeSimulatorPirateRaidPlunderFrequency # - Where # is a digit that represents the rate that pirates will go after spice
* universeSimulatorPirateRaidAllyFrequency # - Where # is a digit that represents a rate that pirates will raid allies
* universeSimulatorPirateRaidFrequency # - Where # is a digit that represents a rate that pirates will raid your systems
* killallhints - Kills hints
* refillMotives - Refills health
* SetTime (hour, minute) - Mess with the time
* freeCam - Toggles a free camera
* blocksmode - Novelty blocky creatures
* styleFilter -filmNoir - Remove all color
* stylefilter -microscope - Novelty microscopic view
* stylefilter -none - change view back to normal
* stylefilter -norainbows - Alter colors
* stylefilter -nextgen - Alter colors
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